Monday, April 4, 2016

Welcome Fans

As a fan of the show, The Magicians and the Books, I think that it might be a good idea to start the introduction.

Let's get it over with so we can get down to the gritty of our favorite show. I'm RipvanWinkle, or you can call me Rippy by any other name. I'm a huge fan and also hoping to get a Youtube channel dedicated to the fandom.

So let's start how I found out about this, I was browsing through Sy-Fy channel and found this show, I was a bit impressed and then decided I'm going to give the books a shot.

So I'm kind of running this like the story with the idea that maybe commentary and some fun can be in store. So I'm going to talk about characters, storyline and also the comparison to the books and to the TV show that are going on its own different story.

So here I am going to back and forth trying to find something about the great moments of the first half of the series. I was pretty much going through all 8 episodes, and I'm going to be going through discussing each one and having fans answer into the question, what do you think should go on...I'm not sure how far a fandom can go considering that I have been in the Brony, Anime, Fantasy and Sci-Fi for years and it is always a differing opinion on what and how it progresses. 

So here is the reason I'm using the pictures from the books, I'm trying to find away to use these and also make commentary for fans to follow through. 

So welcome to Fillory the land of magic and mystery, the land where the world and the great magical creatures are not far from anyone. 

Next time I'm on, I'm going to be playing catch up and doing two episodes at a time for the commentary and also the fan thoughts. So let's start with that. Welcome!

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