Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Season Finale Vent!

All right, why the hell did I just finish something I respect and start venting now? Okay! Let's get started Fillory, let's just face it, turned into a nightmare when The Beast took over, yeah, just look at what Penny had to deal with.

Now I'm going to turn back a bit and say something to everyone regarding what happened! Considering that it was all through Quentin's eyes, he's pretty much the main hero who had to deal with it, his friend Eliot is a Magician King, but none of them are able to handle the Blade that is supposed to ultimately defeat The Beast, that is until well...something kind of gross happens....let's just skip that detail, I'm still kind of grossed out!

So here we are up to speed and up to whatever the hell is going to happen when Julia is forced to relive her own rape, her powers fully restored, which is thanks to Ember the God of Fillory who helps her face down her demons. The one person she called is the top bitch of them all when she was raped by a fox, yeah, that's right Fillory's got a fucking fox who wants to kill The Beast!

Excuse the language, I just found out that the queen bitch of The Magicians is actually a good guy all of a sudden. Yeah, that's right Marina actually comes to rescue Julia after the Fox did the deed and vanished. I'm not surprised considering I may hate the character, but it works.

I will go into Hedge Witches later on if I get my cool back after what happened on the season. Honestly, if people are going to bitch me out for being as active as I am in the fandom, I'm just going to say it. "BRING IT ON SEASON 2"

Wednesday, April 6, 2016

Characters we all know and love

Let's take a moment to get to know the characters of the books and show, though I will stress the show and the books have actually pushed away from each other. So let's start with characters that we know are there.

Quentin Coldwater, the rather intellectual and very much unimpressed character who came into the world of Brakebills with no idea what his real skills lay in. He was otherwise seemingly untalented at first, until you get him alone with a deck of cards. He becomes thirsty for knowledge, but is unaware of how important his existence is.

Unlike most characters, Quentin is very much not willing to be the center of a lot of attention, he would rather be reading his Fillory and Further novels and sometimes is quick to act if he knows something might happen. Though he does come off as a worry wart, he can also be very friendly and does love his friends deeply.

Unlike Quentin, there is also Eliot who is an upper classman and kind of the show off, though it is more that he likes to show off that he can drink people under a table. Master of the slight of hand and other great talents, Eliot has at times stuck his neck out for people when he should have known better than to do so. 

In the show, he's openly bisexual and tends to experiment on men who he takes a quiet fancy too, though it is Margo who has to remind him that she will do whatever it takes to keep him out of trouble, even if it means casting a spell using a genie to make Eliot's boyfriend suck on a door knob. (That actually happened) 

Though in truth, Eliot has said he would be lost without Margo's help and sometimes he has come quietly to her side to make sure that Quentin and Alice stay out of trouble. He is like that annoying big brother who would rather be elsewhere than attempt anything. 

I might add Eliot does have a few addictive problems, one booze, and the other.....well...if you read the first book, he tends to smoke like a chimney. He does however give it up when he figures out that it isn't winning him points on some scales.

Alice, though she is the daughter of two very powerful Magicians, she hardly wanting to show it off at times. She at first out right hated the main cast because she thought of them as lazy and otherwise wouldn't know how to help her. She later finds out that Penny and his girlfriend are willing to help her because they are also interested in her story of finding out what happened to her older brother. (Sadly, I have never been a huge fan of her or Penny)

Penny, the punk who can travel, yeah, he's a punk at times, but also a man with a heart of gold who will go out of his way to figure out problems. Though he did tear into Quentin over a Tayler Swift song and had to mentally break down his friend from making a bad mistake. Did he ever say he hated someone? Actually a few times, but then realized that the one person he can't stand is the one person who can save people's lives.

Margo or Margret, let's see what can be said about the richest girl at Brakebills who doesn't throw her money around? That's right Margo actually hates the fact she's from a rich family in California that has no magical abilities at all. She is also the kind of person who will do anything for just about any friend considering that she does like using her bank for one thing, helping Alice out. She is quite fond of Alice because she's actually everything that she wants to be, but without all the flash and flare. Though a girl of means, she has hardly ever used it, she actually has only used her own stance in the school to get anywhere and has been severely under tail of Eliot who is like her brother not her lover, which she has keenly pointed out.

Margo on some cases has had her case of BAD BOYFRIENDS, one actually going so far as to build a rather stunning galum and attempted to patch up with her too. That didn't go well and the mention of having a threesome with her copy and him kind of grossed her out, only to have a rather drunk Eliot ask, "How does that even work?"

Julia, someone in Quentin's life that has been there since he was a child and also has about as much respect for him as her boyfriend has left him in the dust. She has never openly admitted her love for him because she didn't want to make her boyfriend jealous or angry. Then again, she is one of the most powerful under rated hedge witches out and this was after a witch caused her to go mad and be put in a mental hospital. 

Gaining what she lost, she actually went out of her way to avoid the entire magical concepts, only to find that she could learn this on her own with other magicians who were outcasts. Some of them that were skipped merely because of an exam that was set up to make them fail. That doesn't sound right does it? 

Margo and Eliot are otherwise jealous of the fact Julia is considered pretty powerful and though Fogg and the rest of the staff have overlooked her, it is more she has pushed past them and Quentin on more than one level or another. So don't be quick to judge the girl who is basically the picture On Demand. 

Yes...there are more characters I"m aware, but I decided to break it down to the current and then going into the past with Chatwin and a few spoilers....be aware if you find spoilers in there, they're pretty old news. 

Monday, April 4, 2016

Welcome Fans

As a fan of the show, The Magicians and the Books, I think that it might be a good idea to start the introduction.

Let's get it over with so we can get down to the gritty of our favorite show. I'm RipvanWinkle, or you can call me Rippy by any other name. I'm a huge fan and also hoping to get a Youtube channel dedicated to the fandom.

So let's start how I found out about this, I was browsing through Sy-Fy channel and found this show, I was a bit impressed and then decided I'm going to give the books a shot.

So I'm kind of running this like the story with the idea that maybe commentary and some fun can be in store. So I'm going to talk about characters, storyline and also the comparison to the books and to the TV show that are going on its own different story.

So here I am going to back and forth trying to find something about the great moments of the first half of the series. I was pretty much going through all 8 episodes, and I'm going to be going through discussing each one and having fans answer into the question, what do you think should go on...I'm not sure how far a fandom can go considering that I have been in the Brony, Anime, Fantasy and Sci-Fi for years and it is always a differing opinion on what and how it progresses. 

So here is the reason I'm using the pictures from the books, I'm trying to find away to use these and also make commentary for fans to follow through. 

So welcome to Fillory the land of magic and mystery, the land where the world and the great magical creatures are not far from anyone. 

Next time I'm on, I'm going to be playing catch up and doing two episodes at a time for the commentary and also the fan thoughts. So let's start with that. Welcome!